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Digital Art

Marian Shapiro


"In my new book of experimental poetry several issues came up necessitating expertise I did not have. For example, combining words and drawings on a computer, as required by a publisher, is a frustrating task - converting Word to PDF, usually a no brainer, defeats the ordinary mortal -  But not David. Likewise moving words inside text boxes, resizing diagrams within the context of a poem, and redoing cartoon faces to suit the customer (me) could drive a techie mad - but not David. Lucky me - and if you use his services, lucky you!"

Elizabeth Sylvia

Editorial Assistant at Yale University Press

I had the pleasure of working with David on Irwin Shapiro’s book The Unity of Science. His work was detailed and conscientious, and his management of the book’s art program and permissions was a crucial aspect of the book’s publication. He communicated quickly and effectively. Highly recommend his work!

Irwin Shapiro


Working with David was a true pleasure for me. He is very bright, catches on very quickly, and is extremely reliable. He does assignments carefully, thoroughly, and on time (often early). His artistic skills are formidable and showed to great advantage in the many figures that he drew for my book. He also points out, gently, errors that I make.  
I think, based on my experience, one would be hard pressed to find a person to help with art, writing, and administrative issues who is more competent and helpful than David."

Recent Projects


The Unity of Science

-Art Program and Permissions Manager-


Recent Projects

Marian's Book.jpeg


-Digital Artist & Computer Guru-

Screenshot 2023-01-25 at 5.41.37 PM.png
Screenshot 2023-01-25 at 5.41.55 PM.png

At the Edge of the Cliff

-Digital Artist-

Marian pinwheel-3.jpg
clocks 2.JPG
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