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  • davidshapiro27

Day Four of Filming

Once again, I packed up my car full of filming supplies and headed out to Harvard, MA. My plan for today was to interview two farmers at the Old Frog Pong Farm and to get more B-Roll footage of their work. After reviewing my footage from Tuesday, I found there many of my shots involved far too much camera movement so I tried to use steady camera movement today or, none at all. From an administrative point of view, I decided I wanted to use Video Release forms for this film because it is good practice for bigger projects and would be a written record stating that I am allowed to use the footage taken of these individuals in my documentary film and that I can share it in various ways.

I consciously tried to be as unobtrusive as possible today as the group worked but I did request brief interviews with Matt and Isabel, two of the farmers.

Isabel, one of the farmers

It is so delightful to spend so much time on this wonderful farm and I am nearing the end of my shoot. I will be away for the next three weeks but in August, I plan to return to the farm and interview the owners of the farm before putting together my final documentary!

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