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  • davidshapiro27

March 2024

Way back, around two months ago, it was March.

I was well into my final semester at this point and there was plenty to do. Academically, I was working on a recreation of a scene from "The Social Network" for my Acting for the Camera class, delving into complex numbers in my math class, learning about cryptography in my security class and preparing for a midterm in my Communication and Media class.

And taking time to play monopoly

Water trip!

As for my short film, I was deep in editing mode. I submitted the film for the film department's Scheinman prize in February but had another week to perfect it for Brandeis' Sundeis Film Festival. My friend Lauren who is an incredible graphic designer put together a fabulous poster for my film!

On March 7th, there was a Glow Night party at Brandeis with lots of games like bowling and mini golf. There was also a Photo Booth in the dining hall for some reason so of course we took a picture. Usually the food there is pretty dull but on that day, they went all out with food from countries all around the world. It was quite a dramatic change.

Dining Hall Photo

Glow Night

We also went to a show called Wolf Play which was one of my favorites I've seen at Brandeis.

Set of Wolf Play

On the weekend, after going to a cabaret show put on by the student theatre, my friends and I headed off to an elderly home in Waltham to volunteer at the Senior Prom as part of the Community Connections volunteer program. We set up the decorations, talked and ate dinner with the residents and took plenty of pictures. We met some really fun people and it was sad to leave them at the end.

Another fun adventure was when my friends and I ventured into Cambridge for a day. We explored some stores, walked around the Harvard campus and got ice cream at Lizzy's. While at Harvard, a man came up to us asking if he could take our pictures for the 8,000 faces project he is working on. I agreed and my photo (included below) showed up on his Instagram page later that night! He is currently at 3,000 faces so he has some work to do.

Hanging out at Harvard

Looking Super Cool

It wouldn't be a month in the Party Zone without hosting a party. Luckily, my suitemate Ethan was born in March so we planned a party for him! It was casino themed and we had some awesome decorations!

That following weekend, I worked on set of my friend's new short film he is making with many others from the Sound and Image Media Studios. The first day was tough because it was pouring rain and we were shooting outside but it got better once we moved inside.

He had rented an Air BNB for the shoot and it was all very professional. I wasn't overly useful but I helped cover windows and hold reflectors and do whatever else was needed.

Right after wrapping the shoot, I headed off with my parents to Medford for a Emmylou Harris concert with Elina and Kaba. It wasn't my favorite music I've listened to but it was fun to be back at a real concert.

The following weekend was Easter and I went home for a couple days and stayed over with my grandmother in Andover. We visited some alpacas and my parents came on Sunday for Easter dinner. Elina had a cold so she and Kaba unfortunately couldn't join. My dad had carefully timed our minivan's odometer so that it was at 199,995 when they arrived in Andover so that we could experience the cross to 200,000 together. We even Facetimed Elina and Kaba in.

And with those festivities, March came to a close. I returned to Brandeis for my final month of classes, determined to make the most of my last few weeks.

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